About Us

By Users, For Users

The idea for the Dynamics AX User Group (AXUG) grew from the vision of a few Microsoft Dynamics® AX (then, Axapta) users - to connect with other users and learn firsthand the best way to leverage the software they used every day. From that initial vision to the official founding of the Dynamics AX User Group (AXUG), and continuing today to include all versions of Dynamics 365 & AX, our mission has never wavered: to maximize the value to individuals and companies using Dynamics 365 & AX.

D365UG/AXUG is a member-driven organization

We look at everything we do, from our educational offerings to our member benefits to our annual user conference, as a way to help members achieve your ultimate goal - growing your knowledge and competency in your Dynamics 365/AX system.

With that in mind, members are at the forefront of our content and strategy. Our Board of Advisors, made up of user and partner member representatives, leads the strategic direction of D365UG/AXUG. Members volunteer their time and talents to present webinars, lead chapter meetings, and share their tips. With each new member, the value of the community and the shared knowledge base grows - increasing the learning and education for all who are engaged.

Our Vision

To engage every individual and company using Microsoft Dynamics 365 & AX in value-added networking and knowledge sharing and to be the single most important communication channel for Microsoft to seek guidance on future development of Dynamics 365/AX.

What is Dynamic Communities, Inc.?

Dynamic Communities, Inc. (DCI) is the supporting organization behind D365UG/AXUG and our sister global user groups - the User Group for Dynamics 365/CRM (D365UG/CRMUG®), the Dynamics GP User Group (GPUG®), and the Dynamics NAV User Group (NAVUG™), the Dynamics SL User Group (DSLUG). Dynamic Communities is independent from Microsoft; however, our close working relationship positions our groups to be a collective voice to Microsoft on user concerns, needs, and requests.